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MenCare - Last Minute Appointments - 25% OFF

Private·28 members


Welcome to your Last Minute deals group. This is a group for you who are looking for a reduced price on MenCare - especially beneficial if you are feeling the living costs pinch and you can get here with a few hours notice.

Get that hand on the buzzer! If someone cancels? Your gain! First books, first take!

Book it, do not pay, and I'll add 25% off your bill.

Small print:

1. Members will not measure themselves - all is done privately (except if you comment) and not visible to each other.

2. You cannot reply to my messages here. You will have to rush and book.

3. You must book online; I'll not take calls as I'm working.

4. Appointment time varies but is unlikely to be more than an hour.


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • March 7, 2023


  • Marcio da Rosa
    Marcio da Rosa

    Created by

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